There were some rumors that Donald Trump played around with some Russian escorts in Moscow, whether those rumors are founded or not remains a debate but one thing that we all agree upon is that almost every man will jump at a chance to get it on with Russian women. In fact, Russian women are one hot demand all over the world, they are in high demand to an extent that Russian escorts have had to relocate and spread around the world to fulfill the demand and take advantage of the very ripe market.
Everywhere you go in the world, be it to Europe, Asia or America, you will find high class beautiful Russian women working as escorts. For most of these women, it is not that they do not have anything else to do but they for them prostitution is very lucrative and pays really well.
Prostitution in Russia
With the number of Russian women involved in prostitution and adult services, you would think that prostitution is legal in Russia but in actual fact, it is not. Prostitution is illegal in Russia and it carries a penalty in form of a fine. But the fine itself is not that much, it is merely symbolic and as such many Russian escorts and their client do not really care about getting caught or the fine, although they still try to be cautious with their practice.
What makes Russian escorts so popular?
Have you ever wondered what makes Russian escorts so popular and desirable to men all over the world? According to one escort it is not just about their looks, yes Russian women have love legs fair skin and beautiful bodies but that is not what makes men choose Russian escorts whenever they get a chance. Russian girls are groomed to be the Absolut best in bed, as they grow up they are taught to be open-minded and adventurous not only in the bedroom but in life as well. So when you add their open-mindedness and adventurous nature to their long legs, soft hair and striking bodies no other escort can come near!
Where to find Escorts in Russia
Basically, finding Russia escorts in Russia to hang with and have sex with is very easy particularly if you are in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The easiest way to find an escort in Russia is to ask, taxi drivers tend to be the most cooperative and they know all the places. If you ask a taxi driver to take you to some prostitutes he will do it without a problem. Brothels and clubs also exist in Russian, so if you are shy about asking someone you can just locate a brothel online and make your way.
Finding independent escorts online is also easy but usually, there are some language barriers and some things can get lost in translation during the chat. Most of the Russian prostitutes are ready to visit your hotel or invite you to their own apartments. Independent escorts usually have a much better service than the escorts found in brothels but they can be costly too if you are ready to pay for quality service they are worth it.