December Promo

Submitted by admin on Sun, 12/04/2016 - 11:44


You probably have realized by now that most of your clients find you via the Internet. We recommend you to try our featured ad packages.

Use promo code HOLIDAY20 at checkout for 20% OFF!

The SUPER VIP Ad features you on our Home Page, it gives you a Billboard Position, you become our Cover Girl, and are among the first Entertainers our site visitors will see.

Front-page ad placement will guarantee you millions of viewers and potential traffic.

Imagine your ad being one of the first ads potential clients see. This will lead the visitors into believing that you are a very successful and high quality escort that is sought after by many.


Explore and be sure to take advantage of this special offer, you can use it for any of our ad packages.

If you are a new client first you will need to Create an Account

If you already have a Profile with us, you can upgrade your Profile and purchase an Ad package at your account: Upgrade

Like this you can purchase our most popular 1 month SUPER VIP Billboard ad for $55 (regular price $69)


We hope you'll enjoy the experience on Escort-Ads.

Our customer support team is ready and available to help you with your account needs. To contact us you can send an email to help(@)

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