Feeling so naughty I should be punished

Submitted by _0 (not verified) on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 04:50

Take your panties off," he commands, whisper-yelling into my ear at which my pussy responds with a jump, a tingle, and a trickle of moisture flowing down my leg through the panties in question. My stomach flip flops as I drop the panties down around my 4" wedge heels and hand the now-damp panties to him. He smiles triumphantly and slides them in his pocket then leans over and is purring once more in my ear, "now for your training" as he slides a large glass plug up into my tight asshole. I gasp in both suprise and pain and my ass tries to push it back out, but he holds it firmly in place as he put shis thumb on my clit and began to rub. It swelled and jumped and felt hot and red immediately and I was squirming in the theater, legs spread, humping his hand and fingers desperately, like a dog in heat. 

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