How I Met a Busty High Class Porn Star Escort at a New York Club

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/28/2016 - 14:51
How I Met a Busty High Class Porn Star Escort at a New York Club

Last weekend I had one of my best nights ever. It was my birthday and my friends took me out for drinks as we usually do if one of us has a birthday. After the drinks Lex my childhood best friend suggested that we check out some cool clubs since it was a weekend and we didn’t have anything else to do. We moved around club after club looking for a place with the right ambiance for us to chill in, we finally arrived at this quiet place downtown New York, outside it seemed like a deserted place but when we went in I immediately smiled, this was the perfect place to spend my birthday.

The place was classy with sexy nude girls saving drinks, some cool music was playing in the background and everyone who was there was minding their own business. As we stepped in one of the girls moving around came up to us and showed us to an empty table then asked if we wanted anything to drink. We ordered a couple of drinks and some really hot girls in skimpy outfits brought them to us, when they had placed them on the table one of them said:


“I’m Angie, You boys are looking fine tonight, order another round and I will deliver them in just my underwear, order three more rounds and my friend and I here will join you”

Before she even left our table we were all pouring the drinks down our throats, we finished and immediately ordered another round, as promised she came to deliver the drinks wearing only sparkling bra and panties.


“ You boys are taking long, I can’t wait for you to order two more rounds, can I just sit now? Candice will join us later”

None of us could say anything we all just nodded and she sat down and started chatting away. Most of the time we would just nod in response and try to avoid staring at her hot rack.


“ The next drink is on the house, what should we toast to?” she asked.

            “ Well, its our friend’s birthday, how about we toast to many more years of craziness to come” Lex replied,

            “ Oh great, why didn’t you boys say that this is a birthday celebration?! Well follow me birthday cutie, we always do something special for our boys.”

I hesitated at first then followed her to the other side of the club; she opened the door and told me to get in. The room was different from the rest of the club; it had a nice leather couch, different lighting and a pole in the center. She told me to sit down; there was something special she wanted me to see.

When I sat down a door opened from the other end and I couldn’t believe my eyes, one of my favorite Porn Stars of all time was right there looking back at me. I had fantasied for years about Candice and here she is in a room with me, looking even more classier than on her website. Her boobs looked even bigger and sexier than I ever imagined. I think I was stuck in shock for a while, a high-class porn star escort was right there in the room with me….

            “ Happy birthday cutie, enjoy your time with Candice” Angie said bringing me back to reality as she closed the door on her way out.

Candice touched a button on the wall and some intimate music went on, “ your friends want to wish you the happiest birthday…why don’t we skip everything else, do you want to bury your face in my big boobs while I meet that nice dick I see trying to escape your pants”

She came over and put her bust right in my face before pulling her tiny skirt right up and sat on my lap, each of her legs on the either side of mine. She took my hands and put them around her ass, I squeezed her big but pulling her closer to me as she pushed her boobs further into my face. I could feel my pants getting more and more wet with every second; just then I felt her hands fumbling with my belt. My heart began to beat faster, this was the best birthday ever, and I was about to get it on with one of the most beautiful woman I ever met, this was going to be the best Porn Star Experience!!!



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