
I just recently got back in touch with Mia after not having seen her for a year and a half. The fact that she remembered me and could name details from our last encounter just goes to show what an amazing woman she is and how she totally cares about every lift detail of her encounters. She is the most stunning and sexy woman I have ever had the pleasure of being with and I can remember every single sexy curve of her body and the delicious taste of her mouth and many other parts! She put me at ease from the beginning. She could tell I was nervous and I really was stunned by her beauty. We chatted and the next thing you know she was slowly taking my clothes off and then she did the same with her own clothes with an incredible little strip tease! Needless to say, I was raring to go, and she took me in her mouth and showed me some amazing skills! I wanted to return the favor but she would not stop until I came, which did not take much longer lol. Let me tell you, I have never tasted a woman like Mia. I think I could have licked her for days! Her soft moans as she pulled my face in tighter and came drove me wild and I was instantly ready for more action! We then spent the next hour or so entangled in several positions, with my favorite being coming in from behind and being able to look at and feel her perfect ass as I slid in and out! It was one amazing night and I am so excited that I will be seeing her again soon and we can continue where we left off. I will put another review in soon! Until then, I can't wait to see you Mia!

Jeff P from DC

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