Had my 1st time with Kat, She is AMAZING! Came in door to a huge hug and DFK. Started undressing as she went in bathroom and came out naked, she jumped on bed and her tan, gorgeous body was so inviting. Hopped on bed and we started making out like long lost lovers. Soft deep kisses followed by her feeding me her tasty breasts. They are very responsive and nipples got hard. She kissed down to my member and began one of the worlds best BBBJ, lots of tongue, licking, going deep, teasing the boys. I was in heaven. Then my turn to eat her, very wet and she O'd a few times then moved back to kissing. Offered the hat but couldn't resist more BBBJ where I unloaded. Then we just cuddled after she cleaned me up and talked, kissed, got to know each other. Kat is now my ATF and we will be seeing each other again soon. Guys, don't wait she's worth every penny! Treat her right as she is keeper.
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