Outcall." She arrived at my house and I was astonished at how Classy she looked, she had a touch of Class" she wore sexy Lingerie which we spoke of and some white leg pantyhose, we got down to business' and let me just say there isn't a minute you cannot get this Girl' Woman off you're mind. Not a minute goes by that you cannot stop to Remember the Time you spent with her, and I have a little momento, a stain" on my couch from her Creaming and dripping' from the Nasty' Dirty' Sex we had. Guys out there the feeling, just the feel of her Warm wet pussy juices Dripping' down my shaft.. and onto my warm ball's is just a like having a Wet dream, only this is Real.' and it's happening to you" now as far as that stain on my new!! couch goes I'm going to make sure it's a permanent one." Xxx
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