_0 Escort - Interview

Submitted by _0 (not verified) on 04/17/2024 - 08:00

Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you get your hair cut somewhere else?

A:Yes I have some patrons I spend time with very regularly. When they see other women they often consult me about who they might see, or they provide me as a reference so that I can vouch for their safety and manners. I do not feel possessive over my clients. I am helping my clients evolve into above average lovers. That kind of growth requires practice and variety. I am available to support with reflection and introspection, helping my clients maximize the benefits they get from these encounters. I would never feel 'cheated.'

Q:How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?

A:The most important thing you can do to really know what a provider is about is read her entire website. If you want to meet her after you've read every detail she's already written, then you should follow her unique booking instructions exactly as she requests. When you show this courtesy, you are already making yourself stand out against a backdrop of disrespectful time-wasters. If you'd like to demonstrate that you are a higher caliber of patron, you simply need to follow her instructions and cooperate with her screening.

Q:If a client decided to make you a present, what would you be happy to receive? What is your wish-list (maybe flowers, lingerie, parfume, music albums, books etc.)?

A:Lingerie, ideally gift cards to Anya Lust or Agent Provocateur. I also love spa gift cards. I am in need of a new purse, that's something I'd love to go out and choose together. For books Amazon gift cards are great.

Q:What makes you notable among other providers? What exactly, you believe, you're good at? What makes your service unique? What is your favorite kind of service?

A:My favorite kind of service is 4+ hours with a meal and some private time. I find this to be a perfect introduction before we start planning longer overnight trips together. I put my best foot forward for every date, fully expecting that you will want to see me again for longer periods. I specialize in authentic intimacy. I aim not only for you to enjoy your time with me, but for you to feel and benefit from our time together for days to come. I often maintain semi-regular text and email contact with my dates to follow up on feelings, sensations and reflections that occurred during our time together. Meals together, traveling together, sharing accommodation in a beautiful locale are all activities that give us an opportunity to bond and open to each other more deeply. This is practice toward your development as a perfect lover and partner for the other women in your life. My favorite service is the advancement of your soul and spirit, through disarming, penetrating deep intimacy.

Q:How do you prefer a client to make an appointment? What information is important for you? Is screening required before the appointment?

A:Screening is always required. I prefer that a client thoroughly reads through my entire website, especially the Experiences and FAQ. Use my contact form at my website, ideally including your verifiable email address, such as your business email, or include your professional profile online. You may also include references from other providers you've met. My clients are often new to the escorting world, so professional verification is easiest.

Q:Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?

A:I get excited and giddy. The anticipation is all positive on my part. I know that he is often a bit more nervous to meet me than I usually am. So I center myself in my joy and excitement for a new adventure, get myself grounded so that I can calm and alleviate any concerns or apprehension my date might be facing. We can leave it all at the door, after just a few seconds I can set him completely at ease.

Q:What sort of personality qualities does someone need to possess to be a successful escort?

A:That varies for everyone. I have found that honesty, sincerity and authenticity work for me. Some might find the opposite leads to more success. You have to know your own strengths and apply them.

Q:If someone wished to become an escort, how would you recommend they go about it?

A:Educate yourself about the real risks of bareback sexual services. Everything else you will figure out by reading escort blogs and various how-to books by escorts. But none of them will tell you the truth about what kind if risks and how much pressure you will face to provide bareback oral and full service sex.

Q:What are your dreams, future goals and aspirations? Short and long term?

A:We're going to change the laws that prohibit sex work. We're going to make this industry better for both the providers and patrons.

Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?

A:Men who don't cooperate with my screening process. The screening process is for both of our safety. It ensures that I can enter into our engagement free of worry and hesitation. It ensures that you are matched with the perfect provider for you, as the screening process is an opportunity to set clear boundaries and expectations for both parties, leaving nothing to chance and ensuring an excellent introduction.

Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?

A:That's top secret info I will be happy to share with you when we meet.

Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?

A:I worked as an entertainer for several years before becoming a professional companion. Through my job a met a gentleman who invited me to his hotel. I politely turned him down, but indicated that I might be open under different circumstances. A few weeks later he offered to fly me across the country to spend 3 nights with him. Those circumstances I found to be much more suitable. That experience helped me understand the value and etiquette of being a travel companion and I later chose to set out as an Independent Escort.

Q:What did you want to be when you were growing up?


Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?

A:If anything, this work has helped me understand men more fully. I've come to know men's deepest sensitivities, fears and joys. I understand what gives men pleasure and how they relate to women. I have great compassion and respect for men and the unique path each of them are living.

Q:How long have you been working as an escort?

A:13 years

Q:How did you get into the escort business?

A:This is my calling. I started in my early 20's when the right mentor came into my life. I have been cultivating and expanding on my expertise in the the craft of sensuality ever since.

Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?

A:Doing the work I am called to do. Leaving people and places better than I found them.

Q:What don't you like about being an escort?

A:Myths and willful ignorance about women who do this work.

Q:How often do you work per week?

A:I see 1-3 clients per month in person for dinner and overnight dates. I also offer certified sexuality counseling by skype, for which I currently have 3 weekly openings.

Q:What are your turn-offs?

A:Disrespect for my safety, aversion to screening, short, rushed encounters.

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