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Miss Michelle
62 771 Total views, Last login: 12/31/2021
I am a mature woman with many eclectic qualities, intelligent, educated, creative, compassionate . I love giving pleasure, am seductive, sensuous, and my greatest desire is to create a memorable, satisfying encounter with lasting friendships and sweet memories!
I am petite in height, standing only 5'3" tall. My body type would be called "compact", having large round breasts and a nice round butt. I work out with a trainer and stay fit and agile. I look years younger than my actual age and am very pretty.
My goal is to offer you a relaxed, sensual, passionate experience. I adore generous, clean, well groomed, fun, positive, intelligent, creative men who, live a healthy, scheduled, thoughtful, happy, relaxed, passionately charged life and seek the greatest pleasures.
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