Why do hobbyists prefer the girlfriend experience more than sex?

Submitted by _0 (not verified) on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 16:45

We live in a society that feeds us a lot of myths and wrong ideas about men, women, the relationship between those two and sex in general. And one of those misconceptions is the fact that men prefer to have sex, while women are the ones that are more inclined towards love making.

But, the reality in the escorting industry tends to disagree with this idea! And this is an important thing to know, about the current male preferences, by all the providers out there, because only by being correctly informed, the services offered can meet the requirements of the clients.

So, dear escorts, try to always stay open-minded, do not judge a book by its cover, in this case, a man by the first impression and understand that in the current, hectic society we are living in, making love is more important to men, than having sex, because it gives them the sense of bonding, warmth and attention that they really look in a woman.

Making love – a way of founding something that you’ve been missing

We are talking about the sense of intimacy, privacy and complicity, that we tend to have less and less, even though we leave in a crowded, noisy and busy world. Being alone in a crowd, that’s the feeling we are talking about, and making love with a nice, attentive, fun, sweet woman, even if she is a professional lover, offers you the feeling of discovery, of founding something that you felt missing, the intimacy and comfort between two persons, that the random hook-ups or rough sex dates don’t bring you!

The fun and enjoyment of being intimate with another person

Love making, unlike sex, involves a lot of laughter, fun moments, giggles and a true sense of happiness, especially if you are with your regular escort. In this case, sex involves just a rough, animal instinct unleashed, a need for release and satisfaction of fantasies. So, this is another explanation why men, tend to prefer love to sex, because of the fun that they are having with the escort that they like to book from time to time.

Love making involves a higher level of trust

Another reason why love making is preferred to sex, is the fact that love involves trust. The level of vulnerability, especially emotionally speaking, during love making, is incredibly high, and being vulnerable and comfortable next to a provider that you know and like, is also very arousing and comforting.

But you can’t allow yourself to be that vulnerable and trusting with a woman you’re just booking for half an hour of intense sex. And during our modern times, when finding a life partner seems to be so hard, being vulnerable in an intimate moment, with someone, seems to be very important for the emotional well-being of both women and men.

The misconception that sex is dirty and love is sweet

This wrong idea tends to fade away, and that’s a great news for us all, and men start to understand that this mentioned difference between sex and love doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly like that, because yes, love can also be dirty, wild and lots of fun! But love, can bring something extra that sex can’t: the intimacy, the laughter, the openness to talk about hidden fetishes and desires and so on.

Making love with a regular provider brings more to the table

Having in your bed an experienced lover that knows you, your soft spots, your desires and your fantasies is always a plus, because you can skip the pretending and just be yourself, you can talk about your needs, about ways to improve yourself and your techniques and you can also feel like you have found a trusting sex companion to share some great intimate moments with.

The need for intimacy is sometimes greater than the need for sex

As we’ve already said before, we live in a world where, although we are always surrounded by people, we tend to feel more and more alone, misunderstood and not listened. And more often men have started to look in a professional escort, just the thing they’ve been missing: a sympathetic ear to listen to their problems, a smiling face to assure them that their problems matter, a comforting hug and some tender love, to bring back their good mood and positive attitude, needed to face the outside world.

So, ladies, stay open-minded about the trade you’re in and don’t let yourself be led by false and outdated ideas. Sometimes a client wants only to have wild, crazy sex with a hot, busty woman and that’s it, but more and more often, men are looking for the full, genuine girlfriend experience. And that means that you must always look your best, dressed seductive but not overly sexy, wearing discreet make-up and perfume and being as charming as possible.

Nowadays men look for the attention of a lovely woman, they want to have a casual, relaxing dinner in a nice companionship, they want to be listened and heard when they talk about their day, their problems or ideas and they want to feel pampered and spoiled by an attentive lover. Be just that and you might turn a lot of your dates into regulars!

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