Why the Commercial Aspect of Your Relationship With a Courtesan Is Vital

Submitted by Toronto Companion on Sat, 07/21/2018 - 11:44

Most men would like to spend their finer moments with intelligent, smart, sophisticated women with perfect bodies, flawless skins, immaculate presentation, and no faults, but they wince at the prospect of paying for the privilege.  They argue that they’re not interested in the commercial side of the relationship or that the commercial side inhibits them in some way.  Well, most men don’t know what they want until someone who knows shows them.  This article will show you why the commercial side of your relationship with a companion, courtesan, or mistress is crucial. 

It’s crucial for 3 reasons:

1, The money that you pay for her time is exactly the same as the money you pay a prostitute for sex or a salesperson for a house, car, or milk.  Money is energy and exchanging money for something that you want in life = exchanging positive energy.  You’re supporting the product, service, or person whom you’re paying to stay in business, thus give you more of what you want and make your world a better place.  If you’re paying for a product or service, you’re supporting the business to [if it has the right culture] evolve and improve. If you’re paying a person (such as a companion, courtesan, or mistress), you’re helping the person to pay for her food, shelter, clothes, traveling  – the basics of life, before she can self-actualize and contribute value to your life. It’s the same as giving money to charity, only with the difference that if you pay a companion, courtesan, or mistress, you know exactly where you money goes as against never knowing where your money will go after you’ve given it to charity.

2, The money that you pay a companion, courtesan, or mistress acts as a clear boundary of your relationship.  Timely to me writing this the question of the Trump wall between USA and Mexico was shaking the world.  Walls are necessary – fences make good neighbours.  Every world-famous coach advises that people establish clear boundaries in every relationship, be it professional or personal.  Every person needs a home – their little patch of earth.  A home has walls, windows, and doors which denote clear boundaries.  Why do we lock doors, windows, and pull curtains even in buildings with a concierge?  Because we wish to fortify our boundaries.  Many men who wish to spend their finer moments with intelligent, smart, sophisticated women with perfect bodies, flawless skins, immaculate presentation, and no faults are married or partnered.  And so are many of the women.  So the commercial side is critical as a boundary that clearly denotes the relationship.

3, If a man dates a mistress, the money that he pays her resolves the man’s conflict between him maintaining his independence in life and submitting to her commands. Of course, points 1 and 2 apply here too and beautifully complement each other.

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