The Importance of Sexual Health In A Sexually Charged World

Submitted by admin on Sun, 08/18/2019 - 02:26

Even with the advances in today’s medical technologies one doesn’t want to get to know their doctor on a first name basis due to precarious activites that resulted in a case of the itchies in southern region. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of your sexual health as well as being concious about the sexual activities of your partner or partners. According to medical science you should be tested before taking on any new partners, it’s your responsiblitiy to do your due diligence for yourself and your partners. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new person completely or if it’s just a new experience with someone you love. With most insurances you are able to walk in and out with a full screen testing without it costing you an arm and a leg, despite the price with or without insurance, you have to wonder, is it really worth the risk of seeing your own mortality or the mortality of the person you hold close?     I’ve come across the statement,  “Well, it’s not that big of a deal. Most things can be cured with a shot or a pill.”     This isn’t always true nor is it a reliable statement that you should live by. It is true that most things can be cured by medicine but that is if they are found. Herpes Simplex Type 1 and 2 can both go as asymptomatic which means they they can be a carrier and never even know it because it lacks any signs. HSV 1 can show through as cold sores while HSV 2 is gential. If a person is inbetween break outs you would never know, hence another reason why getting tested is so important.     Syphillis if gone untreated can cause madness, otherwise known as insanity. It can damage the organs such as the eyes, the brain, the heart, and even blood vessels. These signs of damage could go years before showing up. Syphillis is also one of the STD’s that often goes unnoticed and therefore another very good reason to get tested on a regular basis, especially if you have several partners or even just two partners.     It’s not only important for you but it is important for the individuals you choose to sleep with because if you give them something they could inturn give it to the other people who they’re sleeping with, so on and so forth spreading the STD or STI until it  becomes an epidemic.     This is one of the many reasons why Escorts are tested regularly and why the clientel should be tested as well. All fun should be clean and safe, without the worries of someone giving them an unwanted present. You can not always trust a person to tell the truth when you ask them whether or not they have been tested lately. Which is why in most cases it’s best to ask to see their most recent test results upfront before anyone plays around, and playing around doesn’t always mean sex.     You are able to catch STD’s and STI’s without intercourse at all. This means you can attain them through kissing, drinking or eating after an infected person or touching the infected part and then touching yourself. It’s scary, I know but it can all be avoided with regular screenings.     Your health is important and so is the health of the person you are intimate with. Please, remember it’s alot less expensive to get tested before than to wait, catch something and try to find treatment afterward.

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