Aromatherapy for the Corporate Man

Submitted by London Companion on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 08:51

Corporate life has taken and will continue to take it out of many a person. Essential oils and their ready made blends are an easily available, ecological,  kinder to your body that synthetic drugs, immensely effective, and (considering that you need very small amounts) inexpensive solution to keeping yourself healthy and productive in the corporate environment.  If this solution appeals to you, feel free to extract the tips that most resonate with you and try treating them with the oils that treat them for the next few months.  You’ll definitely feel the diff and may even become an inspiration to your eternally pill swallowing colleagues! 

Coughs – the best aromatherapy treatment for them is steam inhalation, as it will soothe the throat and air passage and loosen excessive mucus so that expelling it by coughing becomes easier. If steam inhalation is not possible, rubbing 2 drops of an essential oil diluted in 10ml of a carrier oil on your throat and chest 3 times a day [at work in the washroom where nobody sees] will pleasantly help. The essential oils of Angelica, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, Sandalwood, and Thyme are great. These oils in burners / diffusers at home will also help, especially at night. Hot lemon drinks and herbal teas will soothe irritation in the throat. A massage of Benzoin diluted in 10ml of carrier oil over the throat 3 times a day works great for loss of voice.

Headaches / migraines / head colds – the essential oils of Basil, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary are great for them, clearing the brain, and respiratory infections, which can come about in [especially open plan] offices and on planes where recycled conditioned air circulates. Inhalation, cold compresses, or regular massages will work wonders.

Indigestion – can be helped with a light massage of 2 drops of any of the oils of Basil, Camomile, Lavender, Marjoram diluted in 10ml of a carrier oil over the stomach [in the washroom where nobody sees while you’re at work]. Drinking Camomile, Fennel, or Peppermint herbal infusions will speed up relief.

Deodorize your office – Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Litsea Cubeba, Neroli, and Petitgrain are excellent deodorants. Drip 3 – 4 drops of any of these essential oils onto a saucer, small container, or oil burner / diffuser with a small amount of water or carrier oil and put it in a safe place on your desk or in your office.

Insect repellent – Drip 3-4 drops of any of the essential oils listed below into a small amount of water or carrier oil in a saucer, small container, or oil burner and keep it on your desk or a safe place in your office. Change the whole thing every week. Mosquitoes: Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme.  Flies: Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Melaleuca, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary.  Ticks: Cedarwood, Geranium, Melaleuca, Peppermint, Thyme

Sore muscles – Camomile, Lavender, Marjoram, and Rosemary are excellent oils for easing pain of muscles when used in baths or massage. Drip 2 – 3 drops of any of these essential oils into your bath and enjoy the experience. And I needn’t stress the pleasant and immense benefits of regular massages for muscles lashed by the demands of the corporate world!  Clary Sage and Jasmine have a relaxing effect on muscles, and Black Pepper, Juniper, and Rosemary will increase muscle tone, thus performance.

Epidemics – Clove + Orange + Cinnamon = a wonderful blend of 3 drops of each oil in a small amount of water or carrier oil to put into your oil burner / diffuser and let your office be enveloped in a pleasant scent which will also kill the viruses of epidemics in every season. Eucalyptus and Ti-tree are also fantastic protectors against epidemics. Clove and Orange are skin irritants, thus do not use them in baths.  Baths with any of the oils of Lavender, Rosemary, Ti-tree, or Thyme will also give you a high level of pleasant protection against infections.

Some readers will inevitably argue that carrying all these blends in 10ml bottles into the corporate environment isn’t practical.  To that I say that nor is keeping many a thing on desks that should stay at home.  But people do it, because they place high value on having those things unnecessary in the workplace take up space in their offices and thus are very happy to sacrifice the impracticalities.  If you place high value on your health, thus productivity in the ever more demanding corporate environment, then you’ll surely admit that sacrificing the impracticality of carrying a 10ml bottle in your bag will be well worth the reward. Plus, you’ll always only carry one blend.  I’ve named several oils for treating each issue in order to give you plenty of choice.

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